Motored Tarmon 28-75/2.8

作为非全副相机的标准变焦镜头,腾龙 28-75/2.8 一直以其暖色调的风格为大家所推崇。最近它进行了升级,推出最新的尼康卡口镜身马达版,以适应 Nikon D40,D40X 和 D60 机身。在这些相机中焦段将变成 42-112.5mm(折换成 全副35mm 格式)。全程最近对焦距离为 33cm,因此冠上了微距的名号。

2,最近对焦距离 0.33 m



Tamron has continued its process of adding in-lens motors to its Nikon-mount lenses, with its 28-75mm f/2.8 being the latest recipient. This makes the lens fully compatible with the Nikon D40, D40x and D60, offering their owners fields of view equivalent to a 42-112.5mm lens (in FX/35mm terms). The magnificently named ‘SP AF28-75mm F/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) MACRO’ can focus as close as 33cm throughout its zoom range.

* Lightweight, fast standard zoom lens featuring Tamron’s proprietary XR technology
* Minimum focus distance of 0.33m over the entire zoom range for 1:3.9 maximum magnification
* Mechanical design improvements for downsizing the maximum diameter while minimizing changes in zooming torque
* Zoom lock mechanism for convenience in carrying the outfit
* Flower-shaped lens hood as a standard accessory
* Form and texture appealing “high performance and the feel of high accuracy” worthy for the name “SP” – Outer design matching the new generation lens



资料来源:Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 gains motor for Nikons

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