
Sony 的 Nex 系列大卖,微 4/3 系统的奥林巴斯和松下就更别说了。人家松下已经赚满金钵而且扬言要作 No.1!新出的镜头 25mm/F1.4 连 Leica 的可乐标都不要了。真不知尼康和佳能一直窝着鼓捣些什么东西。如果它们就此直接倒闭,那如同打游戏机没有见到 BOSS 就通关,没有意思了!

按照各路神通所说 4 月份是尼康微单的发布时间,现在有些山雨欲来风满楼的感觉。Nikonrumors 再次提到尼康的微单是面向专业用户,而且会在接下来的几周内发布。之前已经有他家公司的专利流出,如图所示,你看,酱紫、酱紫、酱紫,对,我也看不懂。反正有个可以拔下来的镜头,机身里有个芯片,镜头里有片玻璃。

Today I received some information from a reliable source that Nikon indeed will be targeting professional users with their mirrorless solution rather than the consumer market. I was told that the announcement will be in the next few weeks. I already wrote about a potential new product release in late March/early April, so something is definitely coming.

Few weeks ago DSLR Magazine and Mirrorlessrumors already reported that the upcoming Nikon mirrorless camera will be targeted at professionals which contradicted what Nikon executives have said last year. It is possible that Nikon has changed their strategy and decided to go with a different solution.



Nikonrumors 经过大量数据统计宣布尼康在上次发布 D7000 以后有六个月没有新相机出来了!是的,我也非常愤慨。不过作为虔诚的尼康分析我依旧在期待它的微单是否有诚意。可惜,Mirrorlessrumors 来泼了一个大冷水:即将发布的尼康微单不会是全画幅也不 会APS,甚至连微 4/3 都不如,很大可能会是一个2.5X 尺寸的感光芯片。感光芯片具体的尺寸大小对比大家看看下图。无论 CCD 抑或 CMOS ,对相机来说都是身家性命的东西,尼康整这点小小的鸡鸡,是不是最近比较穷?怕成本太高价格离谱没人买?没关系的,天朝摄友有的是钱,人家富士 X100 都卖上万了,你有什么不可以?!

We from Mirrorlessrumors do believe that Nikon’s “PRO” system will not be a full frame neither an APS-C sensor based system. They will more likely use a smaller 2.5 crop sensor (Micro Four Thirds has a larger 2.0 crop sensor). It sounds like PRO is more a marketing suffix.

想起来几天前就富士 X100 去咨询西安交大前摄影学会会长 Starryboy 时,他说“要等nikon的大底单电我觉得还是算了,早买早享受吧,我相信 nikon 的单电肯定不会比 m4/3 大了”。看来他是对的!真相地址在此。

数码相机的像素、变焦等等都是浮云,目前唯一普适的真理可能就是感光芯片越大相机越好。大家可以对比看看自己手头的机子处于什么地位。如果尼康的微单比 4/3 还小,那我肯定会舍弃,继续等待奥林巴斯的 4/3 pro,或者 Sony 的 Nex 7。谁让尼康的微单是为“专业人士”准备的呢!


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